Onboard Glatt Kosher Dining

Under the guidance of world-renowned Master Chefs, our culinary delights are made from scratch and seasoned with fresh herbs. Our dramatic two-story main restaurant presents soaring ocean views, soft music, and exquisite setting of china, white linen and crystal--with attentive yet unobtrusive service from our European-trained staff.

Morning may bring a delicious breakfast cuisine with a variety of hot and cold dishes and appetizing gourmet buffet display in a special dining room area reserved especially for Kosherica guests.

In the afternoon you can savor the views along with delicate finger sandwiches at our Elegant Tea.

And to ensure that you don't go to sleep hungry, we invite you to our midnight nash featuring a variety of fruits, finger sandwiches and irresistible freshly baked pastries.


Will said...

I checked out your photo album, and your food looks AMAZING!

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